Locked and Loaded: Britain’s Latest TV Sensation Traps Shoppers in the Loo

Locked and Loaded: Britain's Latest TV Sensation Traps Shoppers in the Loo

LONDON, UK — Britain is no stranger to long-running television sagas. From the many mysteries of Doctor Who to the endless cups of tea on Downton Abbey, the United Kingdom has been a global beacon of cinematic excellence. But now, this proud nation has graced the world with a new form of televised genius — … Read more

Depressed? Just Pee Your Pants! British Scientists’ New Method Shocks the World

Depressed? Just Pee Your Pants! British Scientists’ New Method Shocks the World

LONDON, UK In what can only be described as the most absurdly British scientific breakthrough of the century, a group of highly esteemed scientists from the United Kingdom has reportedly patented a revolutionary new treatment for depression that involves… wait for it… soiling your pants. Yes, you read that correctly. According to these brilliant minds, … Read more